Tuesday, April 17, 2012


This book made me take a leap of faith, a leap of faith in myself to pursue my passion of photography.

My husband bought it for me as a gift and I devoured it but also savoured it page by page wanting it to last forever.

Peter Brew-Bevan has photographed some of the most famous people in the world with such precision, his work is simply amazing.

I love that he sketches and plans a shoot (all in the book), making sure he captures the trueness of his subject and in an appropriate setting.

I re-visit this book often for inspiration and each time I read it cover to cover I see something new, learn something new that I try and put into practise myself.

If you are into your photography or just like studying people (famous people) then I can highly recommend investing in shoot.  Peter Brew-Bevan is a genius and light is his friend.

Sharon xo